In an economy that is just barely starting to get back on its feet now more than ever people need to as much education as they can to survive. A high school diploma is the bare minimum to get any type of job. However, about a quarter of California counties have high school dropout rates of 20 percent or more, including Los Angeles (20.3 percent). This trend is very disheartening especially since many of these students come from lower income families and drop out of school out of necessity rather than a lack of desire to graduate.
The National Dropout Prevention Center/Network has come up with five reasons why high school seniors should stay in school.
Reason #1: High school dropouts are four times as likely to be unemployed as those who have completed four or more years of college.
As mentioned above finding a job is hard enough as it is. In an increasingly competitive market employers are looking for educated and skilled workers. Applying as a high school drop out significantly lowers your chances of getting a decent job.
Reason #2: Graduating from high school will determine how well you live for the next 50 years of your life. High school graduates earn $143 more per week than high school dropouts. College graduates earn $336 more per week than high school graduates ($479 more per week than high school dropouts);
That means that high school graduates make over $7,000 more a year than drops outs and college graduates make almost $25,000 more a year than drop outs. That could be the difference between putting a down payment on a home or renting for years.
Reason #3: Dropouts are more likely to apply for and receive public assistance than graduates of high school;
While welfare does help people who need it there is a certain pride that comes from living off your own labor.
Reason #4: Dropouts comprise a disproportionate percentage of the nation's prison and death row inmates. 82% of prisoners in America are high school dropouts;
Many of those who drop out end up turning to crime and gang activities to earn money. Staying in school give the student something productive to do instead of roaming the streets and getting into trouble. The school also provides a support system and advisers to help the student make good decisions.
Reason #5: School districts all over the country provide alternative programs for students who are not successful in the usual school setting.
No matter how hard it is getting there are ways to get help. School want to see the students succeed as if they were their own child. If the student has even a little bit of motivation there are places they can go to get extra academic support.
This is certainly a huge issue among poorer communities. Not graduating from high school today is basically an economic death sentence. Even those who only have a high school diploma will be extremely limited financially for the rest of our lives. It's interesting that when America made the decision to offer completely free public education (about a hundred years ago), a high school diploma insured a much higher level of employment opportunities than it does today. Having a college degree today is considered essential for almost all middle-class careers. Maybe it's time for the government to reexamine their approach to public eduation and move toward completely free public universities.